Thursday, October 4, 2012

All-In-One Magic Bathroom Cleaner

I haven't bought bathroom cleaners in years, because honestly, it is a waste of money! Why would you want to empty your wallet and crowd your precious bathroom storage with all the pricey, toxic bathroom cleaners when you can make a safer, less expensive cleaner with ingredients you already have on hand? Not to mention, one bottle cleans everything- mirrors, tubs, counter tops, toilets, and faucets. It cleans, it polishes, it deodorizes, and it disinfects. 

 What you need:
-1 Professional Spray Bottle (it is worth the extra $1, trust me!)
-8 oz. Distilled White Vinegar
-4 oz. Lemon Juice
-2 oz. Liquid Soap (I use Dawn)
-2 tsp. Baking Soda
-10 oz water

To Mix:
Funnel in all the ingredients, squeeze out the suds, screw on your cap and go make your bathroom sparkle! 

To Use:
Clear the surfaces, use toilet tissue to wipe off any dirt, hair, spilled liquids, ect. Using the lightest spray setting, spray down everything- sink, counter, mirror, faucets, tub and the whole toilet, inside and out. I let it sit while I sweep the floor. I then use a microfiber cloth to wipe down the surfaces from the cleanest to the dirtiest. In our house that means mirror, faucets, sink, tub/shower and then the toilet. Be sure to rinse out the tub/shower really well so it isn't slippery. 

Stubborn stains in your tub?
 Whether its a dirt ring at the top or dirt stuck in the textured bottom, this will solve your problem! Spray down the problem area heavily, and then using a sponge with a non-scratch scrubber, scrub in a circular motion. Again, rinse very well and then put on your shades because its going to be shiny.



  1. HI there, I tried to make this and the foam kept coming out of the bottle. Did you have this happen. Half of the mixture came out and was wasted. I think it was the baking soda and vinegar that caused the mess. WHat did I do wrong. I put my hand over the top of the bottle and the gases just built up until I took my hand off and then it exploded out of the top of the bottle.

    1. I couldn't help but to laugh when reading this, Carolyn! The visual you gave is priceless!

    2. But why didn't it work for me?

    3. I haven't made it yet but did you try putting the baking soda in last?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I had the same problem. I put the baking soda in last, and tried to stop it from foaming but it almost exploded in my hand. Then put it in the sink, added the last tsp. of baking soda and it continued to spew out until I had about a half a bottle left.

    6. When I found this on Facebook, it said put the baking soda in first with the vinegar. Then wait till it stopped foaming, then add the rest of the stuff.

    7. That info. would have been very helpful in this post!! I, too, had an explosion!

    8. Agreed, I had an explosion too and lost at least half of my mixture. What a bummer! Wish I would have known to mix vinegar and baking soda first. I guess I will try again. :(

    9. SAME exact thing happened to me!**note to self** read comments first!

    10. High school chemistry here. Vinegar is an acid, baking soda is a base. Mixing the two cause a chemical reaction and then leave a neutralized product behind. What that means is that mixing the two in a bottle to use later will be like spraying water on everything and do absolutely nothing to kill germs or clean. Leave out the baking soda! If you need an abrasive, sprinkle it on the surface before spraying and scrub away.

  2. Key idea here... baking soda and vinegar will ALWAYS foam up as they are chemically reactive. If you mix the vinegar and baking soda together separately in a large container, the reaction will stop pretty quickly. DEFINITELY do not add the soap until AFTER the reaction has stopped. The combination of baking soda and vinegar (in a perfectly balanced molar equation at least) yields sodium acetate, water and carbon dioxide (the reason it bubbles up so much!)... Sodium acetate is added to many cleaning supplies for it's buffering effect. In this case, the additional vinegar will tend to yield some sodium diacetate as well. In any case, not completely sure that baking soda AND vinegar are needed in this concoction, but it isn't going to hurt anything. From the MSDS, it CAN cause mild irritation to the respiratory system, so you should probably avoid breathing to mist as you are spraying. I'd imagine the soap and other ingredients would make it taste bad enough to avoid anyway.

  3. I made this mixture a few hours ago and used in my tub/shower (it did made a small volcanic type eruption, it made me laugh- after the small explosion, what continued to ooze I let flow into a glass, when it settled I poured into unused portion for next time). I was actually impressed at how well it worked. Thanks! :)

  4. I was wondering what the purpose of making this is in compared to just buying a bathroom cleaner from the store? I can see that making it with a natural soap would make is a more environmentally friendly cleaner, but with Dawn it is no better than any other bathroom cleaner.I don't see the point in using this if in the long run buying all the things that go into making it is going to cost more money and is still just as bad for the environment.

    1. Can always use a castile soap which makes,a healthier version...thats what I will use :-)

    2. dawn is environment friendly read the bottle..and also used by wildlife resucers when clean animals from oil using this will be a good choice for environment friendly solutions..and the cleaning power of vinegar.. baking soda.. lemon works better then any other product on the shelf..

    3. If you are concerned about how "green" this homemade cleaner is, go to your local Trader Joe's or Whole Foods (etc) store & buy eco friendly soap to use in the recipe. While on vacation recently, I ended up buying the "green" version of laundry detergent & was very impressed. One reason to make your own spray cleaner is that it is way less expensive as compared to the store bought name brand products. I also agree that vinegar can be a respiratory irritant so be careful not to breath in the spray/mist. Maybe wear a mask.... but the same is true for OTC brands of household cleaners. At least the homemade version won't upset my septic system.

    4. That's right, the whole idea of making it yourself is the cost. 2 Gallons of vinegar from Sam's is less than $3.50! A 13lb bag of baking soda is less than $6.50. It'll last almost a year, it has for me and I make ALL my household cleaners, laundry soap, SHOUT, and dishwasher detergent. Just try it!

    5. I agree with Lori - DAWN - used by wildlife rescuers when cleaning animals from oil spills and the only thing that works -- they donate tons of bottles to the rehab people after a spill

  5. I make my own citrus vinegar; i'll sub it in and add the rest-never thought about adding dish soap & baking powder! Thanks!

  6. I made this again and this time I put the vinegar and baking soda in first and when they finished fizzing I added the rest. This stuff is great. Thanks!

  7. This worked great! I had a good mixing experience by putting the vinegar in first, and adding in the baking soda, (like the comment above mine suggested.) After the fizz died down I added all the other ingredients. I used an empty Windex spray bottle and tried it out on my bathroom sink and counter, the stovetop, my closet mirrors, the handles/grabby-areas of my refrigerator and the toilet. Worked awesome on everything! Doesn't smell strongly at all and I love that I can make SEVERAL bottles for the cost of a name-brand, (I have tons of the ingredients left over!) It is cheaper.

  8. Will this wash off the soap scum that has built up over the years on my shower screen? I have never been able to get it off with other types of cleaners.

    1. Yes, it should. Let it sit on there for a few hours before scrubbing. I actually just use 1 part dawn dish soap 1 part white vinegar and it works great for my dark, tile showers and glass showers.

  9. this may seem like a silly question, and I'm not sure anyone will have the answer, but does the addition of lemon juice in the mixture mean that the remaining portion should be refrigerated? the other ingredients may cancel out any spoiling (molding) of the lemon juice, but wasn't sure if anyone had any info on that.

    1. I don't refrigerate mine.and havd no problems with mold. (The vinegar probably helps with that -- it's acting as a disinfectant.)

  10. This worked really great. I mixed mine in a large glass measuring cup and then poured into the bottle with a funnel. Maybe it's better to mix before putting in the bottle. I can't believe how shiny my bathroom looks and how clean everything got. LOVE this!

  11. I was wondering the same thing as dragonfly.... won't the lemon juice cause the mixture to spoil? I'm anxious to try it except for that.

    1. Vinegar should stop any spoiling of lemon juice, there's no reason this can't be used in kitchen for sink, stove top, windows etc. I use vinegar and water for cleaning glass and mirrors then polish with methylated spirits, vinegar can also be used with newspaper for cleaning glass/mirrors...Baking soda (Bi-carb soda) and vinegar good for soaking stubborn stains...Good Luck...


  12. This worked great for cleaning, but streaked the heck out of my mirrors :-(

  13. Thank you Jan Whalan!
    Appreciate the response and info. :)

  14. The first batch I made up used almond scented castille soap. It curdled on contact with the lemon juice. It smelled like curdled baby vomit. It was awful, there was no way I was spraying that all over my bathroom. I pitched it and mixed up a new batch using orange scented Palmolive. Considerably better, but I couldn't seem to shake that lingering baby vomit smell. In any case, it cleaned well and I have hard water that leaves difficult lime build-up. I'm hoping the odd smell dissipates over the next few days. Does anyone have any insights in why this happened? I'm wondering if it was the kind of lemon juice I used? I looked at the ingredients, it didn't seem to have anything strange in it.

    1. Castille soap is alkaline, and vinegar and lemon juice are acid. Combining the soap with an acid caused something call "unsaponification" it's the undoing of the soap process, you basically just released the soapy fats back to their natural state.i just read about this in Pinterest recently! Oh, and Dawn is a detergent, not a soap, it's different chemically.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I was wondering if it has a strong vinegar smell. If so, do you think adding a few drops of scented essence would help?

  16. Can someone please tell me what kind of lemon juice to use? Fresh lemons or is there one in a bottle that will work? Thanks for the help. I have a hard water build up in my but and want to see if this will help.

    1. I use the lemon out of a bottle that you can buy at the grocery store. You don't HAVE to use the lemon juice. Lemon juice is more for smell and antibacterial purposes. In fact, I only use 1 part white vinegar (*heated up in the microwave*) to 1 part Dawn dish soap for my shower cleaner and it works WONDERS. My shower looks brand new every time.

  17. meant TUB. Also, what is the best way to store the leftovers, can it be stored in a sealed empty milk jug?

  18. I love this stuff! It gets rid of hard water stains, and makes things shine! I use it in the bathroom and kitchen as a multi-purpose cleaner!

  19. Can this be used in the kitchen too? Or do you have a good kitchen cleaner recipe?

  20. This font is really hard to read.

  21. I love this cleaner. It is the only bathroom and kitchen surface cleaner that I use. I mix mine in a 40oz old liquid lysol container and I mix the baking soda and vinegar first so that I don't lose half the cleaner from it bubbling over.

  22. I love this cleaner. It is the only bathroom and kitchen surface cleaner that I use. I mix mine in a 40oz old liquid lysol container and I mix the baking soda and vinegar first so that I don't lose half the cleaner from it bubbling over.

  23. Your bathroom looks like a show model! .Works really well at getting things clean with a great scent.Thanks so much for sharing your tricks.

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  29. I would HIGHLY recommend you putting information about what order to put the ingredients (vinegar and baking soda in a large container letting it sit and then adding the other materials IN THE POST! IN BOLD LETTERS! PLEASE!!!!

    Yes...I have tried this 3 times before reading the comments. It would have been nice to have that BEFORE the ingredients list. I saw before because some might look at the ingredients and just starting mixing!

    On the plus side, my kitchen sink it thoroughly clean! :)

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  35. Thanks for sharing this. I hate all the store bought cleaners, and they usually do a junk job anyways. Going to make some later today (: And am actually excited to clean the bathroom for once!

  36. Hi all. Is this mixture safe to use on ceramic tile that looks like stone (not smooth and shiny)? Thank you!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  41. I just tried this tonight and it was a disaster. The baking soda mixed with the vinegar and the bottle exploded. Just finished cleaning it off the ceiling, walls, ceiling fan, floors, dogs, counters and myself. It turned the spray top into a projectile missle that I finally found in the living room. Epic fail.

    1. You now know how to actually make a baking soda bomb. Miz th Ed vinegar and bak I mg soda in a large, open container (I use my largest Pampered Chef glass mixing bowl). Wait for the foamimg to subside and mux thoroughly before adding other ingredients.

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  44. My comment got deleted somehow. I just thought to add that this product DOES expire, as it doesn't have preservatives like typical store-bought cleaners. It should last about 2-3 months, though I also think readers should be informed that citric acid in lemon juice is reactive to some plastics and break down and release the plastic's toxins into the mixture. Be sure to check which type of plastic is OK to use with that; otherwise the glass vinegar bottles can fit a standard sprayer nozzle. You can also try about 30 drops of lemon essential oil instead, as it is FREE of citric acid and won't break down plastic (though it's recommended to use a colored bottle and make sure to store in a dark place). Lemon essential oil still has antibacterial properties, it's just not acidic.

    1. Further reading: Lemon juice is probably better for showers as it's more of a fungicide; but do NOT use on marble or granite or other porous stone as it will etch (as does vinegar).. I definitely recommend using essential oil for any surfaces like that.

  45. This was horrible! It left a white residue on my tile shower that had to be cleaned off with a commercial cleaner. Twice the work! It looked terrible even after 3 rinses. I trashed the rest of the bottle. What a waste of time, money, and energy!

  46. Thanks for sharing! I mixed this up when I got home yesterday (vinegar and baking soda first then the other ingredients) and it worked miracles! Our shower was covered in an embarrassing layer of soap scum but now it's actually white and shiny again. I had a jar of rosemary infused vinegar that I had made especially for cleaning. I used that for the vinegar so it smelled great too. I used the scrubby side of a regular old scotch brite kitchen sponge and wiped in circles until the surface felt smooth and without friction. After that I rinsed and ta-da! it was clean! Thanks again!

  47. I've used this, but without the baking soda! It works great!

  48. Definitely a keeper! I'm always trying to find out how other people clean and do things. I thought this was great.

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  52. I love this stuff... I will never buy store bought cleaners again! Thanks for the recipe.

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  57. This was like a bomb in my experience, exploded everywhere.

  58. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant. It will take care of the bacteria and other harmful stuff. (Far less harmful than the chemicals on commercial cleaners - they don't help your health at all.)


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  91. I m working lady with a joint family and yesterday I organize a party for my son birthday and seriously I don't have time to spend on cleaning of tiles and grouts. So that I hire a professional team from Fresh Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne and these guys come within 2 hr and clean my floor and after the job which they perform my floors look so clean.Thanks to them. These guys perform I highly recommended job!!!!

  92. Just want to provide some worthwhile feedback for SK Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne of Tile stripping Considerable work. They guys came early prepared my house and then started the drilling job, they smoothed my flooring n vacuum and split my old tiled floor to totally new floor. Absolutely overjoyed with the result.


  93. I was a little anxious as we were installing long plank tiles, the ones that look like actual planks of long wood. It is a tougher job than square tile or shorter planks, and the foundation must be just right. But the guys which I hire, execute the job dazzlingly and did that almost unmanageable job. I M VERY DELIGHTFUL WITH THEIR SERVICE AND RECOMMEND MASTER CLEANER TILE AND GROUT CLEANING MELBOURNE FOR PERFORMING ALL TILE RELATED JOB!!!!

  94. I had to experience a horrific incident recently. My Wife was walking around in the room with a cup of coffee. And, suddenly due to the sudden jerk, the entire coffee spilled all over the floor. And, our precious floor tiles got tainted with it's spots. We immediately, Back 2 New Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne for help and they rescued the tiles of the floor from getting dis-coloured. The tools and the techniques they used for cleaning the tiles were top class and there was no scope for complaint left. We would like to give the best ratings to the Back 2 New Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne.

  95. Few days back, our 3 year old was playing on the floor and we were having some quality time with our kid. Suddenly, my eyes dart to some cracks which had developed in the grout lining of the floor of our kid's room. Also, I noticed that due to these cracks, it was unable to retain the moisture from going into the layers below. My Husband immediately warned me, saying if we don't tackle this situation now, the entire grout lining will detoriate. I had heard of the Spotless Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne and their superb services. We decided to call them for help, and guess what they solved our issue within 2 days. All the cracks have disappeared and they have guaranteed us that the grout lining is secure for the next few years.

  96. I bought a new home for my parents in my hometown. The house was in good condition and everything was perfect. But, there was only one problem with the tile floors, the grout linings had not only got dis-coloured but some cracks were also visible. I wanted my parents to have the best of everything and this was a special gift. The house was vintage and we did not want it to loose it's historical value. We called the Sparkling Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne , and they worked according the the instructions given by us. They used the latest techniques of grout coloring in order to restore the colour of the tiles. This technology also, fills the cracks and your grout lining is safe for the next few years. Thanks to Sparkling Tile and Grout Cleaning Melbourne.

  97. I had my tiles and grout cleaned and resealed I didnt even know the real color of my grout until now. Would highly recommend back 2 new tile and grout cleaning.

  98. It has been few years since we got the tiles of our house changed. I and my husband are working individuals, so we don't get enough time clean them or get them changed frequently. One of my friend suggested to get the tiles polished. He suggested that this service would only take 2 days and we could save some of the money as well. The tiles will retain their lustre and shine like before. We abided by his advice and booked an appointment with Eagle Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane. To our surprise, they not only finished the entire work in a single day, but also did a perfect job. We cannot thank them enough, because, now our floor looks shiny and elegant at the same time.

  99. We get our tiles and grouts cleaned up once in every month. Unfortunately, the company we hired to do this work last time did not deliver good results. They did a disappointing job and the stains/spots were not cleaned properly. We came to know about Green Cleaner Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane through an advertisement. We browsed their name on the internet and found out that they were the best professional help available in our town. My husband immediately made an online appointment with them and within the next few hours they scheduled the service for us. They came and did the entire work, without even bothering us once. We only had to book the appointment and pay them at last, rest of the headache was taken care of. We would happily recommend everyone to hire Green Cleaner Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane for getting their tiles cleaned up. They provide the best service using the
    latest tools and techniques.

  100. Our bathroom tiles were accumulated with a lot of dirt and hard water stains that were almost impossible to clean even with daily cleaning. We have used literally hundreds of products but the result was always zero. Recently we have visited to our neighbors’ home for a party and we were surprised to see their sparkling bathroom and home tiles. Asking the products they use to maintain the shine, we came to know about Deluxe Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane and their extraordinary cleaning solutions. In addition to the extremely user-friendly customer care, we loved the fact that they use extremely mild cleaning agents to remove dirt and hard-water stains from the tiles. We are completely satisfied with the Deluxe Tile and Grout Cleaning's services, and we will recommend it to all who are dealing with dirty stained tiles.

  101. After trying numerous products to remove the tough stains and debris from the tiles, I was almost hopeless and planning to buy new tiles for our home. Just then, my friend suggested me to try the professional cleaning services for my tiles. After searching for weeks over the internet, I get to know about Tip Top Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane and after contacting them for the services, my tiles are as great as new and have retained their shine that was diminished with time. Personally, I find this company extremely reliable and efficient. I would love to recommend this company for all those who are looking to replace the tile due to their dullness. Try them to retain the shine of your tiles, you won’ be disappointed.

  102. I am too lazy to work and investing my energy in cleaning the stuff is not me! So I usually hire cleaning companies to do the tasks for me. Lately I have been very disappointed with the kind of services my old cleaning company provided.
    I got in touch with Oops Cleaning on Google and was initially sceptical about their services. But, man they amazed me. I hired them for cleaning my tile cleaning and they did the job pretty well! They disinfected and sanitized my tiles like new and also provided me with additional tips of taking care of Tiles And Grout.

  103. Tiles were the dirtiest parts of our home until we contacted Wet Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane for a professional tile cleaning. They not only helped us to get rid of tough water stains and debris accumulated on our tiles from years but also helped us with some really useful tips that are still helping us to maintain the shine of the tiles. Along with the brilliant services, the thing that made me love this company is the use of chemical-free cleaning agents. We have toddlers at home and were worried about the effects of chemicals on them, but on having a look at their cleaning agents, we were sure that the cleaning process won’t harm our kids. We would recommend Wet Tile and Grout Cleaning company to all the homeowners who are looking for a reliable and effective tile cleaning company in the area.

  104. Most of the tile companies that we have contacted so far have literally disappointed us by their services and the way they handle their customers. This made us searching for effective DIY to clean the tiles all by ourselves. But, the results are not at all acceptable. We came to know about Spotless Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane through the internet and thought we should give them a try. The cleaning experts of the company looked promising to us and showed utmost professionalism to their work. Along with a prompt service call, we got the same day service and a 100% customer guarantee. And frankly speaking, what else could you ask for while hiring an affordable tile cleaning company. We would surely recommend the cleaning services of the company to all the homeowners of the area to make their home a cleaner place to live in.

  105. Finding a reliable tile cleaning service was a pain for us until we got a serious recommendation for Sparkling Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane from my colleagues. They were using the tile cleaning services of the company for a long time and were satisfied with the performance. We filled the service request form on the company’s website and surprisingly we got a return call within an hour. The experts asked for a free check and then offered us the quote that was extremely reasonable. Along with this, the cleaning experts are fully equipped with modern cleaning agents and equipment that made the cleaning process much faster than our expectations. We are now a trusted customer of the company and would like to recommend it to all those who are after a reliable tile cleaning company.

  106. If you are looking for a tile cleaning then go with Zenith Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane , they provide highly recommendable service. I hired them and i m fully satisfied with their service. These guys did a brilliant service. They send their professional and experienced team same day of booking. The team is very cooperative. They cooperate with me and understand my tile and grout very well. SO I THANK TO BECAUSE THEY GUYS CLEAN MY TILES WHICH WAS STAINED BY MY PARTY HALL. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM.

  107. My kid accidentally spilled a color buckt on the tiles, and I had no idea what to do next. I randomly called OZ Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane by extracting contact from Google, and I must say, they are worth every penny spent!
    I got a call from them immediately and they sent a team of professionals to my home for an inspection. They not only expelled the Colors out from my tiles but also made my tiled floor shiney So that it attract the visitors to my home instead of mold and mildew. I would recommend them to everyone.

  108. I m working Man with a joint family and yesterday I organize a party for my son birthday and seriously I don't have time to spend on cleaning of tiles and grouts. So that I hire a Fresh Tile And Grout Cleaning Brisbane
    from a reputed company and these guys come within 2 hr and clean my floor and after the job which they perform my floors look so clean.Thanks to them. These guys perform I highly recommended job!!!!

  109. We loved this company!! Whether it is about the service promptness, brilliant quote, or the procedure of cleaning the tiles, all of them are top-notch and flawless. We got the service call within a couple hours after sending them the request. In no time, Marks Tile and Grout Cleaning Brisbane sent the expert at our home to get a detailed look at the condition of the tiles and provided us the estimate. The thing that we loved the most about the company is their professional approach to deal with the customers. We strongly recommend you to try their services and you will also fall in love with them.

  110. Hi friends, I was looking out for some professional groutcleaning services to clean the tiles and grout of my bathroom.During my online search, I came across Mark’s Tile and Grout Cleaning Adelaide company. I must say that they really have a team of experts in tile and grout cleaning and they also provide same day services which make them highly recommendable

  111. Are you guys are wondering a tile cleaner for your dirty tiles then go with Fresh Tile and Grout Cleaning Adelaide. I reccommend them because i gain a very good experience from them. I hired them for cleaning of my ceremic tiled floor which has a plently of mold and meldew. They came and remove everythimg from the tiles and make them clean, shiney and attractive.

  112. I hire Swimming pools Tile and Grout Cleaning for the renovation of my floor and they guys did a brilliant job They did the job exactly what i want. They complete the whole work in a week and they charge reasonable price that you can afford easily I hired them and got a very good experience. I advise you to all, that if you also going to hire a tile cleaner then definietly go with Squeaky Clean Tile and Grout Adelaide!

  113. Just want to endow some worthwhile google, facebook for Homes Tile and Grout cleaning of Tile stripping significant work. They guys came early prepared my house and then started the drilling job, they smoothed my flooring n vacuum and split my old tiled floor to totally new floor. Absolutely overjoyed with the result.

  114. Best Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning Services in Porcelain Tile Cleaning Adelaide They removed blackness from the grouts and tiles look like new now. Highly recommended Company.

  115. This is Advance Service Laundry Tile Grout Cleaning. Granite Tile Cleaning ADELAIDE providing you Excellent Tiles and grouts look like the first day installed work. Look new and more shiny/ glossy. Highly recommended service. Thank you guys

  116. Cleaning Day are just ultimate saviors! I had a badly Tiles. Basically, we went on a foreign tour for a month, and when we returned, my tile and grout – everything was dirty with a thick layer of dust.
    My husband suggested Terrazzo Tile Cleaning Adelaide as his friends have hired them a few times. And yes, they actually worked wonders. They not only helped in cleaning the tiles and grout, but also offered us a quick discount as a part of their promotional scheme.
    I am glad and satisfied with the services I received. Without a doubt, they are the best!

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. Are you guys are looking for an ultimate and reliable cleaning company for Tile And Grout then go with my decision - Sealing Natural Stone Adelaide They deliver ultimately incredible service all over in Adelaide. My tiles was damaged and I hire them and receive an extremely incredible service within 2 hours of my booking date. So if you want a brilliant service then come to koala cleaning. I highly recommend them not only for tiles but also for Upholstery, Carpts, Curtains too.

  120. I recently shifted in a new home and their tiles are in very bad condition. Especially bathroom tiles have no. of cracks and dodgy stains. I hired Ceramic Tiles Cleaning and make my tiled floor clean. Thanks to Spotless Tile Cleaning!

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